Hi there!
Thanks for taking a peek at my website! Unfortunately, there’s nothing to see here yet. I bought the domain because I thought the email address I could create was neat.
But worry not.
Here are photos of my dogs so your curiosity doesn’t go unrewarded! 🙂 🐶
He always loved the mud. After the hike, it took FOREVER to get him clean. Still worth it.
After a long walk, who could resist a nice rest?
Happy Hanukkah
Such a festive boy in his kippah!
His little tail would become a rotor in the water. Though, he always appreciated a relaxing boat ride.
His Favorite Spot
Even during his battle with cancer, he was always my kind, energetic best friend. Love and miss you forever!
This fancy-pants is epitome of high-fashion.
First Snow Day
And just like that, she’s a snow dog! Just like her two older brothers.
Nellie Today
She’s still tiny, but has a big heart.
Baby Photo
His signature look. Reminds me of:
Time to Tango
Hope you have a splendid day!